Question Tags

Many English users have the idea that using question tags is rather easy. Well, try to fill in each blank and find out how many you can get correct.

  1. Everyone likes the hot and spicy food sold here, ....................................?
  2. My 85-year-old grandma does have good eye-sight, ...................................?
  3. Peter is the tallest student in class, .....................................?
  4. Sandra did not sleep well last night, ....................................?
  5. You have never been to France, ......................................?
  6. Laura has ever been to New Zealand, .............................?
  7. He will entertain the new customers, .................................?

What are question tags? They are phrases like isn't he/doesn't she/did you/won't he/etc... inserted at the end of statements. Read these examples:

Francis was absent from class yesterday, wasn't he?
(positive statement) (negative question tag)
Hilda isn't the best student in class, is she?
(negative statement) (positive question tag)

Note that when you use words like never/ever in the statements, you should take statements having the word never as negative statements and use positive question tags. Statements that have the word ever are positive statements and so negative question tags should be used. Read these examples:

They have never been to Canada, have they?
(negative statement) (posiitive question tag)

They have ever been to Canada, haven't they?
(positive statement) (negative question tag)

If you managed to get all the blanks correct, your usage of question tags is considered good. If you got 4 or more than 4 wrong, you really need to polish up your usage of question tags.

answers for the blanks
(1) don't they? (2) doesn't she? (3) isn't he? (4) did she? (5) have you? (6) hasn't she?
(7) won't he?

By Susan L
On 11/30/2009 05:54:00 AM
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