Active And Passive Sentences Exercise

The following exercise is based on Active and Passive Sentences Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Convert these active sentences to their passive form.
Example: Florence prepares breakfast every morning. (active)
Breakfast is prepared by Florence every morning. (passive)

1. Someone is following us.


2. The office boy locks up the office every evening.


3. They have taken our suitcase.


4. The student's parent will pay the school fee.


5. Linda was driving the van when the accident happened.


6. They will have signed the job contract by tomorrow morning.


7. The dog bit the old man's left leg.


If you are not sure about active and passive sentences, do not attempt to do this piece of exercise.

Read the notes/example sentences on Active And Passive Sentences Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4. Only start doing this piece of exercise after reading the example sentences.

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We are being followed.
The office is locked up by the office boy every evening.
Our suitcase has been taken.
The school fee will be paid by the student's parent.
The van was being driven by Linda when the accident happened.
The job contract will have been signed by tomorrow morning.
The old man's left leg was bitten by the dog.

Note: If you got all the answers correct, you are excellent. If you got less than 4 correct, click on "grammar" and read the example sentences of Active and Passive Sentences Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4.

By Susan L
On 12/23/2009 09:45:00 PM
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