Regular and Irregular Verbs

In grammar, there are 2 types of verbs. They are regular and irregular verbs. Regular verbs are easier to pick up as their past tense and past participle forms are formed by adding 'ed' or 'd'. For examples: walked, repeated, wiped, danced etc. English users should pay more attention to irregular verbs as they are more confusing and exist in several types.

Type A - repeating the last letter before adding 'ed'

Verbs like stop, drop, commit, slam belong to this type. Because they have the short vowel stress, their last letter must be repeated before ‘ed’ can be added. For examples: stopped, committed, slammed, etc.

Type B- replacing 'y' with 'ied'

Verbs like cry, study, hurry, apply, justify belong to this type. Their last letter ‘y’ must be replaced with ‘ied'. For examples: cried, studied, justified, etc.

Type C - no change in spelling

Verbs like hit, hurt, spread, cast, burst, put, cut, read belong to this type. They appear in their root word forms when written in the past tense and past participle forms. Most of them have the same pronunciation, but ‘read’ is pronounced ‘red’ in the past tense and past participle forms.

Type D - change in spelling

Verbs like go, take, buy, sell, pay, slay, seek belong to this type. They change in spelling when written in their past tense and past participle forms. For examples: take/took/taken, buy/ bought,/slay/slew/slain,/seek/sought,etc

Type E - past tense form added with 'ed' but past participle added with 'n'

Verbs like sew, saw, sow, strew belong to this type. They are added ‘ed’ to get their past tense forms but are added ‘n’ to get their past participle forms such as sew, sewed, sewn /saw,sawed, sawn/sow,sowed,sown/ strew, strewed, strewn.

Type F - past tense and past participle forms added with 'ed' or 't'

Verbs like leap, learn, dream, burn belong to this type. They have two different past tense and past participle forms. Either ‘t’ or ‘ed’ can be added to get their past tense and past participle forms such as learn, learnt/learned.

Type G - past tense and past participle forms in root word or 'ed' added

Verbs like bust, forecast belong to this type. Their past tense and past participle forms are either in their root word forms or have ‘ed’ added such as bust, bust/busted, forecast, forecast/forecasted.

Type H - rare type

The verb ‘beat’ appears in its root word form when written in the past tense form but ‘en’ is added to get its past participle form. past tense - beat/past participle form - beaten

Type I - past tense and past participle forms added with 'k' before 'ed'

Verbs like panic, frolic, mimic and picnic must be added with 'k' before adding 'ed'. For examples: panicked, frolicked, mimicked, picnicked.

Click on "grammar" or "references" for the different tenses.
By Susan L
On 11/26/2009 06:13:00 PM
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