Grammar Worksheet 1

Are you familiar with the different tenses used in English sentences? Do this grammar exercise to find out for yourself.

Grammar Worksheet 1
Here is a list of eleven different tenses. Read each sentence and say which tense it involves. The tense in each sentence is in bold print.
  1. simple present tense
  2. simple past tense
  3. simple future tense
  4. present continuous tense
  5. past continuous tense
  6. future continuous tense
  7. present perfect tense
  8. past perfect tense
  9. future perfect tense
  10. present perfect continuous tense
  11. past perfect continuous tense

  1. If the canteen roof had collapsed during lunch break, many people could have been injured. (??? tense)
  2. Sharon takes a bus to school every morning. (??? tense)
  3. The limousine had been speeding before it crashed into the lamppost. (??? tense)
  4. They sorted out all their old clothing yesterday. (??? tense)
  5. All the staff in this firm have got their bonus. (??? tense)
  6. Florence will be studying at one of the best universities next year. (??? tense)
  7. "We shall write them a quotation letter tomorrow," the office manager said to his secretary. (??? tense)
  8. "The train will have gone by the time you reach the platform if you don't hurry," warned David's mum. (??? tense)
  9. Many people are waiting for the prices to drop. (??? tense)
  10. Tom noticed an abandoned baby when he was waiting for the bus at the bus-stop. (??? tense)
  11. "What has Peter been doing lately?" Jane asked Peter's mum. (??? tense)

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  1. past perfect tense
  2. simple present tense
  3. past perfect continuous tense
  4. simple past tense
  5. present perfect tense
  6. future continuous tense
  7. simple future tense
  8. future perfect tense
  9. present continuous tense
  10. past continuous tense
  11. present perfect continuous tense
If you managed to get all the 11 correct, you are excellent. You know them well. However, if you got 5 or less than 5 correct, you really need to revise on the different tenses. Click on "References" and refer to the kind of tense you're still weak at.
By Susan L
On 12/24/2009 06:09:00 PM
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