Internet Chatting via Instant Messaging has become a daily routine of almost all Internet-savvy people all around the globe, in many different countries. They chat through Instant Messenger Software like Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo IM and AOL Instant Messenger. Although it is possible to chat using almost any language, the most widely-used languaged in Instant Messaging is still English.
When communicating via Instant Messaging in English, there is a tendancy to use contraction forms. For example, the letter "U" is used to replace "You" since "U" is easier and faster to type. However, the English proficiency seen in Instant Messaging and online chatting is also very much reduced, especially in countries where the people are non-native English Users. Examples of such countries include most Asian countries and certain European countries where English is not the mother tongue.
For instance, the chatters often find the easy way to get the message across without constructing proper English sentences. This is done by direct-translating from their own mother tongue. "Where are you going?" in this case, would result in "You go where?" if directly translated from Chinese.
Although understandable at most times, non-standard and poorly-formed English sentences, with grammatical errors, even in casual usage such as in Instant Messaging, is bad practice, in my opinion. This is because if one frequently uses poor English to chat online, they would get used to it over time and when it comes to official work where a good command of English is required, they would get into trouble. This is why, in this world where the English language is dominant in many fields, it is critical to improve your command of English by learning to correctly form understandable sentences and at the same time reducing the common mistakes in your written and spoken English.
By Josh Tam
On 1/31/2010 08:09:00 PM
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